#travelwithgdp Fact: The main temple and deity in Gokarna is Lord Shiva, who is also known as Mahabaleshwar. This temple houses what is believed to be an original image of Lord Shiva’s linga also know as Atmalinga.
Description: The Paradise Beach is filled with tourists who have settled down here for some time away from the hustle and bustle of the city to discover themselves. So, the place is filled with artistic street art and painting all across the rocks and plains. You can find many foreigners doing yoga, chilling and playing soothing music and passing time away in bliss.
Place: Gokarna, Karnataka, India
Date: February, 2018
Weather: Winter
Shot On: @canonasia 1300D
Travelling With: @ratankoshy and @ritvikvinod
Places Visited on Trip: Gokarna, India
Trip Total Days: 2 Days
Budget Required: INR 5,000-10,000